• Sunrise At: 5:45 AM
  • Sunset At: 6:03 PM

Mission & Vision

1. Making Quranic teaching and its wisdom reach masses.

2. Inculcating interest in students to read and understand Quran.

3. Reaching men and women of all ages and helping them acquire the skills to
deliver the recitation of the Quran with beauty.

4. Helping students in right pronunciation and appropriate articulation while
reading Quran.

5. Making students aware of the Almighty’s commandments and enlightening
them with the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh).

6. Working with people to make them obedient and loyal servants of Allah
Almighty and His prophet (pbuh).

7. Working towards guiding the Muslims to be exemplary members of the Ummah.

8. Enlightening students with basic religious and modern teachings.

9. Inculcating etiquette, good behaviour and imparting best of human values in new generation.

10. Helping students to become responsible citizens of the community and the
nation without being distinctive about religion and race.

11. Instilling among the students the values of companionship with the fellow
beings and compassion for the humanity irrespective of the religion and

12. Encouraging all Muslims to remain firm in their faith and follow Allah’s
deen till their last breath.

Qari Ismail Zafar
General director
Babul Uloom

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