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Tafseer-e- Quran

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Tafseer-e- Quran

(Farman-e- Ilahi)

This work is popularly known as Farman-e-Ilahi which was already published in Akhabare Mashriq, daily newspaper from kolkata.

The great scholar Dr N Sabah Ismail translated the Holy Quran into Urdu and also wrote commentary of thirty para of Quran during his 23 years tenure.

Akhabare Mashriq published this translation and commentary part by part once in a week.

Every Human irrespective of any religion, faith & background need to oblige towards understanding the message of Allah.

Without understanding the words of God no one can find the straight path for sucess of human lives and as well as path of paradise.

Dr N sabah Ismail translated the holy Quran in simple language and wrote commentary in very understandable form. This translation and commentary is available here, so that the people acquire spiritual benefits and find solutions for every problem of their life.

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