• Sunrise At: 5:46 AM
  • Sunset At: 5:59 PM

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Muslims to Achieve Spiritual Goals


To learn the Quran is not only an important act but it’s a form of worship because this is the book in which Allah has blessed the human with complete code of life, Henceforth Babululoom provides an opportunity to learn the Quran word by word translation and the Tajweed for all age-group, be male/female ,Online or Offline,both.

So if people among you are interested in learning the Quran from the comfort zone of your house or from the renowned place of Babul Uloom then Contact us and start your journey to be among those Allah loves & they are among those to be known as His people by knowing the Quran and responding well towards it.

Babul Uloom is Online and offline institute that helps people of all ages and nationalities to understand the words of glorious Quran, Our teachers are highly qualified individuals who have graduated from very well known universities like Nadwa or Deoband.

This will be remarkable step for those who are aged or busy in their worldly affairs but have not learned the proper recitation of Quran or wanted to know what Allah says to them in Quran.

Therefore.we urge to all people to take admissions in this Online and Offline Quran institute and be the Best creatures among all creatures of Allah.

Babul Uloom Copyright 2021. Developed by nextgeninfosys.com